Here is my review on Vegan Shakeology. I was interested in a meal replacement because I was skipping meals, I felt sometimes I wasn't eating enough and I binge after I work nights.
I consulted with my doctor before I bought the product and they actually did not approve it for use for me since I was still breastfeeding and I never tried it before. I waited before I made the educational decision to try it. I did not go against medical advise. As a nurse I reviewed the ingredients and decided to use it as a supplement to my nutrition and not as a replacement meal. I ordered the Shakeology as a challenge pack with p90x3. I later consulted with a nutritionist who was not against the use of supplemental nutrition as long as I continue to eat healthy, include calcium rich foods since I was still breastfeeding.

Vegan chocolate is my favorite. When I have a sweet tooth craving it helps me out. It's perfect as it is no need to mix much in it. I normally just add water!!!

Strawberry is ok... I prefer to mix in fruits with water and blend it all together. I do taste the chalkiness and bitter. With almond milk it does taste better.

So I did an experiment to try for about 3 days without Shakeology to see if there was a difference without. I felt more moody and lack of energy. So I am back on shakeology as my supplemental snack. I will continue the vegan Shakeology for home direct. I will also sample the other flavors and see which one I like the best.
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