I did Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push to help me figure out my 2015 New Year's Resolution.

My Intrinsic Priorities are my Family+Significant Other, Physical Health, Purpose/Career. The first time I did this, Physical Health has never been on the top of my list... but since I made the commitment to take care of me, I feel like my life is slowly coming together.
I put a star on environment because I believe when you have a "clear" mind before you can brainstorm, make a plan, make goals, take actions and your goals/dreams can come true. At first when I did this brainstorming, I indicated cleaning house, but realize it is more to a physically clean home environment. You need to also declutter and organize your mind!!! I guess this can tie into personal development and emotional health, take it back it ties into all my goals. An environment that is physically and mentally clean will help you reach your goals.
So what do I want to achieve for my health? I loss 50 pounds, but do I want to lose more? Ultimately I want to find the balance between food and life. So here is my New Resolution or goals I want to achieve this year:
- Monday to Friday low carb or follow 80/20 rule
- Weekend - Carb awareness
- HIIT/running 3x a week

How will I do this? After doing p90x3. I was happy to have lost all the weight, but I did not like the lack of energy I was having. So I will keep working out 5x a week and doing my meal plan since it is helping to keep the pounds/inches off. As I am doing research in low carbohydrate lifestyle, I stumbled on to Paleo Diet. It is not a low carbohydrate diet, but a pre-agriculture, cave man style of eating in which grains, legumes, dairy, processed food, sugar, oils and preservatives are excluded. It is a whole food approach to eating, in which you eat "real foods". So you don't eliminate carbohydrate you just choose lower glycemic index foods. Since I have been "eating clean" by avoiding process food and sugar, I figure maybe this could be worth a try. Maybe this style of eating will make me feel more energize then the low carbohydrate style I was practicing.
So I decided to buy these book to help me get my nutrition on check!!
Will work on book reviews...
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