I spent my Veteran's Day weekend doing the Running Room Val Nolasco 1/2 Marathon. This race was 5/5 races from the 808 Race Hawaii 2017 BioAstin Marathon Readiness Series. Before doing the Readiness Series, I have never ran more than 8 miles. My last race I felt like I had failed miserably, but at least for this half marathon I knew I could run 11-13 miles. The last couple weeks before this race I worked on my pace. I am a slow runner, but wanted to work on some intervals to be a little faster. Since I returned to work, long runs during the week was harder to do after work. I stuck with long runs for the weekends. Celebrated my fiance and I anniversary this week so I was definitely carb loading... Yes my weight has been up since I started running. I am upset I haven't lost weight (previously in the past I lost 20 pounds just running alone), but the hanger/rungry is real and I have used running as a good excuse ...