I am officially a marathoner! I never imagined myself even saying that. This is the first thing I told myself after I crossed the finish line, got some Gatorade and water and looked down at the medal. I held back my tears, but I was so proud of myself!!! Now fast forward to couple days ago. THURSDAY I celebrated my accomplishments for completing the 808 Race Hawaii Bioastin Marathon Readiness Series by participating in the 808 Race Hawaii's celebratory dinner. During the last race I was able to chat with a friend who told me he lost 50 pounds and has done the marathon for 5 years. He said after the race series if you attend the 808 Hawaii race dinner you get a medal. I told myself it would be awesome to get a medal so I decided to sign up for the free dinner. So I went stag, but to see the other racers, I actually enjoyed the company of like minds. I am grateful I signed up and did this race series. If it wasn't for ...