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Home selling and buying update

If you have been following me on Instagram we are in the process of paying off debt, savings for renovation and getting ready to sale our townhouse this year, Initially we were suppose to wait till 2022, but COVID-19 made things complicated. I am very close to my parents. My dad has not been able to work due to COVID-19. Hawaii's hotel and restaurant industry has been deeply impacted. Some hotels have reopened in Hawaii, but unfortunately the restaurant he works for has not opened yet. He does qualify for unemployment, so that helps. My sister and I have been helping our parents with expenses, but I worry they wont be able to afford their house! Plus my dad is suppose to be retiring so all his benefits are in limbo. The part that suck is there really is no returement savngs for him... We had a family meeting and decided to push the sale of our house sooner and move in with my parents to help them. If we find a house for all of us, hopefuly they can sale their house ASAP and that will be one less thing for them to worry about! They can pay off debt and just live with us and not worry about housing!

We just met our savings goal of $5,000 for home renovaton. I am so excited that we reached this goal!. We will be looking at contractors for estimates on flooring and dry wall. We do have some kitchen cabinets that need repair, but my husband will DIY. I may need to save a little more, but this is just the initial start. I decided to dropped down from my TSA/403B retirement saving to match so that I can have more money for savings. If I have any extra I will throw to debt. I still want to pay off one more debt account this year. Ideally before we buy the new house!
